DEUTSCH  |   ENGLISH   PHONE: +49 2772 47 66 055    E-MAIL: INFO@KSISAM.COM
Accoustic Microscopes from KSISAM

Headquarter in Germany

 © KSI The headquater of KSI is located in Herborn/Germany with sales agents all over the globe.

Together with our partner the “Institut für Akustomikroskopie“ and the long experience of our employees we develop, produce and distribute new solutions and applications for scanning acoustic microscopes, as well as special ultrasonic solutions. The goal of all efforts of KSI is to provide products of highest quality and lowest cost. In addition KSI also helps its customers to find individual solutions for ultrasonic inspection. The history of scanning acoustic microscopy and the experince of KSI go back to 1989.



IP-holding GmbH
Walter-Rathenau-Str. 18
D-35745 Herborn

Phone: +49 (0)2772 - 47 66 055
Fax: +49 (0)2772 - 47 69 533

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